Location: Kansai Dialect Self-study Site / Ch4. Functional Grammar / 1 Permission & Prohibition / 2 Grammar Note /

1. 〜たらいかん/あかん (Prohibition)

Summary of expressions of prohibition and related expressions

Kansai (Polite)
“You must not…”
Negative request
“Please don’t…”
Negative Command (Gentle)
V (short negative)と
(refer to C4.2.2)

Prohibition is expressed by the combination of たら conditional and あかん/いかん “No good/It doesn’t go that way” in Kansai.

Vては/ちゃ いけない/だめだ (Standard) → Vたらいかん/あかん


(ST ご飯食べながらテレビを見ちゃだめだよ。)

It is common thatら in 〜たらあかん/いかん is dropped.


(ST ああ、危ないから、そんなの触っちゃいけないよ!) 

* (さわ)る touch

Extra 1: Polite prohibition

When mothers scold their children, there are times when they use polite prohibition.


“It is ill-mannered, so you must not eat with your hands!”
(ST 行儀が悪いから、手で食べちゃいけません!)

You might hear this type of polite prohibition when someone explains the rules of a house, apartments, a work place etc. Elderly people still tend to use traditional form of polite prohibition such as 〜たらあきまへん/あかしまへん.

Extra 2: Prohibition and Negative request

Since 〜たらあかん/いかん expressions indicate strong, definite prohibition, it may not be appropriate to use them when talking gently or requesting not do something for your own sake. On these occasions, the negative request 〜んといて(polite 〜んといてください) should be used instead. (For more information about negative request, refer to Grammar 5 in Ch3 Lesson 2.

(At the home-stay)

(ST 靴を履いたまま、家に上がらないでね。)

(At the work place)
朝礼(ちょうれい)結構(けっこう)大事(だいじ)(はなし)があるんで、(おく)れんといてくださいよ。(<(おく)れたらあき ませんよ。)

(ST 朝礼は結構大事な話があるので、遅れないでくださいよ。)

*朝礼 morning gathering ( at schools, and work place)

Extra 3:  Gentle Negative Command 〜んと!

Kansai parents use V(negative short form)+と as negative commands as commonly as negative requests 〜んといて and expressions of prohibition〜たらあかん/いかん to discipline their children. Please pay attention to the accent pattern.

邪魔(じゃま)やし、そんなとこ寝転(ねころ)ばんと!(> 寝転(ねころ)ばんといて)

(ST 邪魔だからそんなところに寝転んじゃだめ/寝転ぶな!)

Not only for scolding children, this pattern is also used as a gentle negative command when emphasizing negative requests.


(ST みんな真面目に考えている時に、そんなつまらないジョーク言わないで。)

* しょーもない(Kansai)=つまらない

However, if this negative とconditional form takes a different accentual pattern it could indicate the complete opposite, that is, a regular command! Refer to Lesson 2 in Ch4.