Watch the video clip and choose the answer that matches the content of
the clip.
Submit your answers after answering all the questions.
*Click "SHOW" if you need to refer to the transcript
Context: Matsuda-san was asked if he knew
any foreigners in Japan.
3)にゃ。うん、中国人でも、まあまあ、中国人、日本語しゃべってらっ(Grammar 1 Extra
wife)が、みな、もうな、あの、ちょっとちょっとお金持ってきてくれらっ(Grammar 1
Extra 5)と、みな、十分か十五分しゃべってらっ(Grammar 1 Extra
マツダさん (Shiga)
Q1: What people who came from overseas does he know?
Chinese people who live in the apartment he owns
Chinese people who live in the same apartment building as him
Chinese people who live near his apartment
Q2: Do they speak Japanese fluently?
They do speak Japanese, but there are some parts that are hard
to understand.
They speak a mixture of Japanese and Chinese, which makes their
talk hard to understand.
They hardly speak Japanese, and that makes it hard for him to
communicate with them.
They speak perfect Japanese, and it’s not hard to understand at