Watch the video clip and choose the answer that matches the content of
the clip.
Submit your answers after answering all the questions.
*Click "SHOW" if you need to refer to the transcript
Context: Ishioh-san was talking about
regional dialects in Japan.
*東北 Tohoku region in
northern Honshu island in Japan
*嫁さん wife
*秋田 Akita Prefecture (in the Tohoku area)
* (Kansai) 〜して間なしに not long after ~
*孫 grandchild !!She mistakenly said 孫 (grandchild) to mean 子供(a
child) in her conversation.
*〜がてら partly for ~, while ~
*さっぱり( -neg) not … in the least
Q1:Which of her relatives is from Akita Prefecture?
Her younger brother’s wife
Her husband
Her uncle’s wife
Her uncle
Q2: Who is it that didn’t understand the Akita dialect at all?
Her husband
Her younger brother
Her younger brother’s wife
Her grandfather
Q3: Three はる expressions appeared in her conversation; first in
(1)産まはってん, second in (2)しゃべったはる and lastly in (3)帰ってきやはった. For
whom did she use はる respectively?
(1)-for her younger brother’s wife, (2)-Akita people, and
(3)-her husband